Laura Vergeront
Hi, I'm Laura and this is my public web page! If you need access to my Google Classrooms please email me at:
Hi, I'm Laura and this is my public web page! If you need access to my Google Classrooms please email me at:
All classes will at the school
All blended learning lessons will be covered in class.
All required materials and power point presentations for your lessons will be on google classroom
Google Classroom ID Code: rkyedwe
All JW classes will be at the school. Check the IEETC.ORG calendar for dates and times of these classes. Please registar on the IEETC.ORG website
CPR/First Classes are one day you will receive 8hr of credit for your state renewal. (this card is good for one year)(renewal is 4hr class)
NFPA 70E classes are one day you will receive 8hr of credit for your state renewal. (this card is good for three years)
OSHA-30 classes are four days. You will receive 32hr of credit for your state renewal (this card has no experiration date)
OSHA-10 classes are two days. You will receive 16hr of credit for your state renewal (this card has no expiration date)
Any questions please feel free to contact me at
3rd year Saturday School is available for those students who call or e-mail Jon Rowe for permission